
Open UToronto is a University of Toronto initiative that supports the discovery, use, creation and sharing of open content and promotes a culture open pedagogy.

The Open.UToronto website is a gateway to a wide array of “open” projects from The University of Toronto, including open textbooks, open educational resources, massive open online courses (MOOCs) and other initiatives that promote sharing of instructional strategies and course materials. The Open UToronto site is meant to serve as a hub to connect projects, people, groups and organizations interested in “Open” resources.


In today’s scholarly landscape, “openness” refers to the idea of sharing freely available content, and by extension, the open or collective production of that content, and sometimes even the open systems and software used to produce or share that content. The open movement is a growing global phenomenon, and the University of Toronto is proud to be a leader in this global community.

Most of the content shared via this site falls into the category of Open Educational Resources (OER), which are teaching, learning, and research resources that, through permissions granted by their creator, allow others to use, distribute, keep, or make changes to them. OER materials have an open-copyright licence (such as one from Creative Commons), or they are part of the public domain and have no copyright. Depending on the licence used, OER can be freely accessed, used, re-mixed, improved, and shared.

Not for Credit

Open UToronto is not an accrediting body of the University of Toronto and does not run credit courses, grant degrees or certificates, nor provide access to University of Toronto faculty and licensed resources. Users of open resources, content and courses do so according to the guidelines described in our terms of use statements. If you are interested in taking for-credit courses and programs, or certified continuing education here at the University of Toronto, please visit “Future Students” or the School of Continuing Studies web sites.

For more information regarding the Open UToronto initiative please contact digital.learning@utoronto.ca .